Studi Living Hadis: Filantropi Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat Forum Bina Insan Lampung

Suseno, Andi (2021) Studi Living Hadis: Filantropi Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat Forum Bina Insan Lampung. Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al Husain Magelang, Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al Husain Magelang.

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Abstrak: Sebagai sumber ajaran Islam yang kedua, hadis harus selalu dibaca, diinterpretasi, dan dipraktekan oleh umat Islam. Salah satu praktek keshalehan sosial yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat Muslim adalah dalam bentuk Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat. Karenanya tulisan ini berusaha mengeksplorasi gagasan pendirian Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat Forum Bina Insan dan juga seluruh aktifitasnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma living hadis, yaitu bagaimana ajaran Nabi Muhamamd saw bertransmisi secara praktek di masyarakat. Tulisan ini menyimpulkan bahwa: pertama, Praktek-pratek kegiatan sosial seseorang atau lembaga tertentu sering kali diinsafi kesadaran untuk melaksanakan kewajiban agama. Demikian pula dengan lembaga Forum Bina Insan yang mendirikan serta melaksanakan seluruh aktifitas lembaganya didasarkan atas pemahaman terhadap ajaran agama Islam, khususnya sumber ajaran Islam yang ke dua yaitu Hadis Nabi Muhamamd saw. pesan Nabi Muhammad saw. kedua, ajaran Nabi akan lebih mudah diterima masyarakat apabila disampaikan dengan perbuatan. Ketiga, penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa ajaran agama Islam, khususnya sunah Nabi Muhammad saw. dapat lebih mudah diterima di masyarakat jika dikemas dalam wujud yang lebih kekinian, kebersamaan, dan terorganisir dengan baik.
Kata kunci: lembaga, Living hadis, praktek, transmisi

Abstract: As the second source of Islamic teachings, the hadith must be always be read, interpreted and practiced by Muslims. One of the social practices carried out by the Muslim community is the form of a nongovernmental organization. Therefore, this paper seeks to explore the idea of establishing a Non-Governmental Organization Community Development Forum and all its activities. This study uses the living hadith paradigm, which is how the teachings of the prophet Muhamamd (peace be upon him) transmit practically in society. This paper concludes that; first, the social activities of a particular person or institution are often realized with the awareness to carry out religious obligation. Likewise, the Community Development Forum institution which establishes and carries out all activities of its institution is based on an understanding of the teachins of Islam, espescially the second source if Islamic teachings, namely the hadith of the Propet Muhammad. Second, the Prophet's teachings would be more easily accepted by the public if they were conveyed in deeds. Third, this research shows that the teachings of Islam, especially the sunnah of the Prophet Muhamamd. It can be more easily accepted in society if it is packaged in a more contemporary, united, and well organized form.
Keywords: Institution, Living Hadith, Practice, Transmission

Item Type: Other
Subjects: B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BL Religion
Divisi / Prodi: Faculty of Economics (Fakultas Ekonomi) > S1-Management (S1 Manajemen)
Depositing User: Andi Suseno, S.Th.I., M.Ag.
Date Deposited: 17 Jun 2021 02:59
Last Modified: 17 Jun 2021 02:59

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