Analyzing the influence of Hip-Hop Streetwear Fashion as an American style in the movie 8 MILE

Pangeran, Dwiky Rachmad (2024) Analyzing the influence of Hip-Hop Streetwear Fashion as an American style in the movie 8 MILE. S1 thesis, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.

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Nowadays, fashion is not just a type of clothing but has become one of the necessities in everyday life, some types of clothing that are developing in the community are streetwear fashion. Streetwear fashion is one of the clothing styles that grew up in American society and was introduced by several communities in the United States, such as the skate board, graffiti and hip-hop communities. This research discusses the hip-hop community that adopts streetwear fashion in the movie "8 Mile". The purpose of this research is to find out the meaning of streetwear fashion in the movie "8 Mile" and how it affects American society. Streetwear fashion is one of the clothing styles that grew up in American society and was introduced by several communities in the United States, such as the skate board, graffiti and hip-hop communities.

This research uses an interdisciplinary approach, a semiotic approach and a sociological approach, in this study researchers used a qualitative method with the film "8 Mile" as the main data for this study. qualitative method with the movie "8 Mile" as the main data in this research. Secondary data from this research is based on research journals, several streetwear brand websites and previous studies. The movie "8 Mile" provides a visual picture that matches the research data needed and helps in adjusting the theory to answer the problem formulation. The theories used by researcher are Roland Barthes semiotic theory and Hovland et al's S-O-R theory, where semiotic theory is used to determine the meaning of the type of streetwear fashion clothing in the movie "8 Mile" and S-O-R theory to determine the influence of streetwear fashion clothing on American society.

The results of this study indicate that the type of streetwear clothing used in the movie "8 Mile" has a meaning from its use, this streetwear fashion continues to grow in American society until it spreads to American musicians and American brands. Streetwear fashion is also seen as having a meaning of clothing that prioritizes comfort without eliminating a fashionable look for the person wearing it.

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Keyword: Streetwear Fashion, Hip-hop, Film 8 Mile
Subjects: P Language and Literature > PS American literature
Divisi / Prodi: Faculty of Letters (Fakultas Sastra) > S1-English Letters(S1-Sastra Inggris)
Depositing User: userperpus4 userperpus4
Date Deposited: 07 May 2024 03:56
Last Modified: 07 May 2024 03:56

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