Development of an Augmented Reality Dolanan Song Encyclopedia to Foster Reading Skills in Early Childhood

Ridhatul, Aisy and Nuraini, Febritesna and Wardhani, Junita Dwi and Hastuti, Dwi and Sofyan, Iyan (2024) Development of an Augmented Reality Dolanan Song Encyclopedia to Foster Reading Skills in Early Childhood. [Artikel Dosen]

[thumbnail of Development+of+an+Augmented+Reality+Dolanan+Song+Encyclopedia+to+Foster+Reading+Skills+in+Early+Childhood_152-164.pdf] Text

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This research aims to develop and assess the effectiveness
of literacy-based storybooks enhanced with augmented
reality (AR) as an intervention for the development of
executive functions in early childhood. Executive function is
a cognitive ability that underlies tasks such as maintaining
focus on long-term goals, delaying gratification, and
exercising self-control over impulses. The research adopts a
4D development model encompassing four main stages:
Design (Planning), Develop
(Development), and Disseminate (Dissemination). This
learning medium garnered positive responses from users,
with children expressing satisfaction with the appeal of the
songs and recognizing the excellence of the 3D pictures and
activities in the storybook. The research also evaluates the
effectiveness of AR-based encyclopedias in enhancing
reading literacy comprehension through pre- and post-test
designs. The study revealed an increase in knowledge
related to expressing songs. Additionally, there was a
modest yet significant improvement in the aspect of
responsibility. Children exhibited a greater interest in
participating in singing activities with the teacher
compared to conventional reading and writing activities.

Item Type: Artikel Dosen
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Divisi / Prodi: Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan) > S1-Pendidikan Guru PAUD
Depositing User: Iyan Sofyan
Date Deposited: 14 Feb 2025 03:49
Last Modified: 14 Feb 2025 03:49

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