Items where Author is "Fatuhrahmah, Ufi"
Artikel Umum
Fatuhrahmah, Ufi HKI ufi. HKI ufi.
Fatuhrahmah, Ufi modul ufi. modul ufi.
Fatuhrahmah, Ufi ufi hki. ufi hki.
Fatuhrahmah, Ufi ufisinta3. ufisinta3.
Fatuhrahmah, Ufi Book Chapter_PAK_Sehat Jiwa dalam Bekerja. UAD Press.
Ufi Fatuhrahmah (2023) HKI_EC00202368993_VIdeo Pembelajaran Behavior Based Interview. EC00202368993.
Fatuhrahmah, Ufi (2024) 2023_2024 SMK B. Fak Psikologi UAD. (Unpublished)
Fatuhrahmah, Ufi (2024) Gasal 2023/2024 SMK A. Fakultas Psikologi UAD. (Unpublished)
Fatuhrahmah, Ufi (2023) Similarity Check_Involving Engineering Student. UAD Press.
Fatuhrahmah, Ufi (2023) Similarity Check_Self Reg Concept Job Search Anxiety. UAD Presss, Empathy.
Fatuhrahmah, Ufi and Widiana, Herlina Siwi (2022) Peer Review : Bibliometric visualisation of industrial and organisational psychology during COVID-19 pandemic: Insight for future research. Fakultas Psikologi UAD. (Unpublished)
Fatuhrahmah, Ufi and Widiana, Herlina Siwi (2022) Similarity Check_Bibliometric visualisation of industrial and organisational psychology during COVID-19 pandemic: Insight for future research. Fakultas Psikologi UAD. (Unpublished)
Fatuhrahmah, Ufi 2023_MSDM D_SK dan Presensi. Fakultas Psikologi. (Unpublished)
Fatuhrahmah, Ufi 2023_Pendidikan_Anajab B_SK dan Presensi. Fakultas Psikologi. (Unpublished)
Fatuhrahmah, Ufi 2023_Pendidikan_Anajab B_SK dan Presensi. Fakultas Psikologi. (Unpublished)
Fatuhrahmah, Ufi 2023_Pendidikan_MSDM B_SK dan Presensi. Fakultas Psikologi. (Unpublished)
Fatuhrahmah, Ufi 2023_Presenter IKSP_Ufi Fatuhrahmah. Fakultas Psikologi. (Unpublished)
Fatuhrahmah, Ufi Peer Review_Involving Engineering Student in Community-Based Project: A Qualitative Study. Fakultas Psikologi UAD. (Unpublished)
Fatuhrahmah, Ufi Peer Review_Kepemimpinan Transformasional Dalam Pembentukan Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) Polisi. Universitas Tujuh Belas Agustus.
Fatuhrahmah, Ufi Peer Review_Self Reg Conc Job Search Anxiety. UAD Press.
Fatuhrahmah, Ufi Pelaksanaan Pendidikan_Genap 2022/2023_Ufi Fatuhrahmah. Fakultas Psikologi. (Unpublished)
Fatuhrahmah, Ufi Pembimbing Kiki. Fakultas Psikologi. (Unpublished)
Fatuhrahmah, Ufi Pengabdian Editor_Humanitas_Ufi Fatuhrahmah. Fakultas Psikologi. (Unpublished)
Fatuhrahmah, Ufi Pengabdian Prodamat_Ufi Fatuhrahmah. Fakultas Psikologi. (Unpublished)
Fatuhrahmah, Ufi Penguji Athifah. Fakultas Psikologi. (Unpublished)
Fatuhrahmah, Ufi Penguji Kiki. Fakultas Psikologi. (Unpublished)
Fatuhrahmah, Ufi Penguji M Syafiq. Fakultas Psikologi. (Unpublished)
Fatuhrahmah, Ufi SK Tim Akreditasi Prodi S1 Psikologi. Fakultas Psikologi. (Unpublished)
Fatuhrahmah, Ufi Similarity Check_Kepemimpinan Transformasional Dalam Pembentukan Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) Polisi. Universitas Tujuh Belas Agustus.
Fatuhrahmah, Ufi Similarity Check_Sehat Jiwa dalam Bekerja_PAK. Fak Psikologi. (Unpublished)
Fatuhrahmah, Ufi 2023-2024 SMK C. Fak Psikologi UAD. (Unpublished)