Browse by Division and Year
Please select a value to browse from the list below.
- Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (407)
- Biskom Repository (51)
- Documents (154)
- Faculty of Applied Science and Technology (Fakultas Sains Dan Teknologi Terapan) (44)
- FMIPA Doc (1)
- S1-Biology (S1-Biologi) (297)
- S1-Physics (S1-Fisika) (168)
- Faculty of Pharmacy (Fakultas Farmasi) (497)
- Pharmacy Doc (437)
- S1-Pharmacy (S1-Farmasi) (2272)
- Faculty of Psychology (Fakultas Psikologi) (1556)
- Psychology Doc (128)
- S1-Psychology (S1-Psikologi) (1556)
- Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan) (1635)
- FKIP Doc (103)
- S1-Pendidikan Guru PAUD (473)
- Fakultas Kedokteran (111)
- S1 - Kedokteran (140)
- Master (Magister) (156)
- Magister Pendidikan (320)
- PP Muhammadiyah (13)
- Program Profesi Guru (203)