Items where Author is "Murinto, Murinto"

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Number of items: 43.

Artikel Umum

Murinto, Murinto and Murein, Mardhia (2019) Lampiran C1b - Cov Ed DaftIsi Paper PR "Multilevel thresholding hyperspectral image segmentation based on independent component analysis and swarm optimization methods". Lampiran C1b - Cov Ed DaftIsi Paper PR. (Unpublished)

Murinto, Murinto and Bastomi, yazid (2012) Application Geographics Information Systems for Determination Suitability Urban and Local Planning City of Solo. Proceeding of IC-GWBT 2012. p. 274280. ISSN ISBN 978-979-3812-25-0

Murinto, Murinto and Astuti, Nur Rochmah Dyah Puji and Mardhia, Murein Miksa Lampiran C1b-PR12. Lampiran C1b-PR12. (Unpublished)

Artikel Dosen

Murinto, Murinto and Rosyda, Miftahurrahma (2022) Logarithm Decreasing Inertia Weight Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithms for Convolutional Neural Network. [Artikel Dosen]

Murinto, Murinto and Rosyda, Miftahurrahma (2022) Identification and Classification of Oil Palm Maturity Using Machine Learning Techniques. [Artikel Dosen]

Murinto, Murinto and Prahara, Adhi and Iman HU, Erik (2021) An Investigation of Logarithm Decreasing Inertia Weight Particle Swarm Optimization in Global Optimization Problem. [Artikel Dosen]

Sri, Winiarti and Prahara, Adhi and Murinto, Murinto (2020) Bottom-up visual attention model for still image: A preliminary study. [Artikel Dosen]

Murinto, Murinto and Prahara, Adhi (2019) Multilevel Thresholding Segmentation based on Otsu’s Method and Autonomous Groups Particle Swarm Optimization for Multispectral Image. [Artikel Dosen]

Murinto, Murinto and Pujiastuti, Nur Rochmah Dyah and Mardhia, Murein Miksa (2019) Multilevel thresholding hyperspectral image segmentation based on independent component analysis and swarm optimization methods. [Artikel Dosen]

Murinto, Murinto and ismi, Dewi Pramudia and Iman HU, Erik (2019) Hyperspectral Image Classification based on Dimensionality Reduction and Swarm Optimization. [Artikel Dosen]

Murinto, Murinto and Sri, Winiarti and Prahara, Adhi and Eko NW, febri (2018) Evolutionary Optimization Methods for Animal Leather Image Segmentation. [Artikel Dosen]

Sri, Winiarti and Prahara, Adhi and Murinto, Murinto and Dewi Pramudia, ismi (2018) Pre-trained convolutional networks for classification of training leather image. [Artikel Dosen]

Murinto, Murinto and Prahara, Adhi and Azhari, Ahmad (2017) Vehicle pose estimation for vehicle detection and tracking based on road direction. [Artikel Dosen]

Murinto, Murinto and Pujiastuti, Nur Rochmah Dyah (2017) Feature reduction using minimum noise fraction and principal component analysis transforms for improving the classification of hyperspectral image. [Artikel Dosen]

Murinto, Murinto and Aribowo, Eko (2016) Image Segmentation Using Hidden Markov Tree Methods in Recognizing of Batik. [Artikel Dosen]

ISMI, DEWI PRAMUDI and Panchoo, Shireen and Murinto, Murinto (2016) K-means clustering based filter feature selection on high dimensional data. [Artikel Dosen]

Murinto, Murinto and Prahara, Adhi and Iman HU, Erik (2002) Multilevel Thresholding Image Segmentation Based-Logarithm Decreasing Inertia Weight Particle Swarm Optimization. [Artikel Dosen]

Prahara, Adhi and Murinto, Murinto and ISMI, DEWI PRAMUDI Bottom-up visual attention model for still image a preliminary study. [Artikel Dosen]

ISMI, DEWI PRAMUDI and Murinto, Murinto Clustering based feature selection using Partitioning Around Medoids (PAM). [Artikel Dosen]

Murinto, Murinto and Winiarti, Sri Hasil Cek Similarity "Analisis Tekstur menggunakan ilter Gabor dan Transformasi Wavelet pada Citra Penginderaan Jauh". [Artikel Dosen]

Murinto, Murinto and Winiarti, Sri and Prahara, Adhi and Febri N. W., Eko Hasil Cek Similarity "Evolutionary Optimization Methods for Animal Leather Image Segmentation". [Artikel Dosen]

Murinto, Murinto and Winiarti, Sri and Pramudi Ismi, Dewi and Prahara, Adhi Hasil Cek Similarity "Image Enhancement Using Piecewise Linear Contrast Stretch Methods based in Unsharp Masking Algorithms for Leather Image Prosessing". [Artikel Dosen]

Winiarti, Sri and Prahara, Adhi and Murinto, Murinto and Pramudi Ismi, Dewi Hasil Cek Similarity "Pre-Trained Convolutional Neural Network for Classification of Tanning Leather Image". [Artikel Dosen]

Murinto, Murinto and ISMI, DEWI PRAMUDI Hyperspectral image segmentation using discriminant independent component analysis and swarm optimization approaches. [Artikel Dosen]

Murinto, Murinto and Winiarti, Sri and ISMI, DEWI PRAMUDI and Prahara, Adhi Image enhancement using piecewise linear contrast stretch methods based on unsharp masking algorithms for leather image processing. [Artikel Dosen]

Murinto, Murinto and Winiarti, Sri and ISMI, DEWI PRAMUDI and Prahara, Adhi Image enhancement using piecewise linear contrast stretch methods based on unsharp masking algorithms for leather image processing. [Artikel Dosen]

Murinto, Murinto and Prahara, Adhi and Iman HU, erik Multilevel Thresholding Segmentasi Citra Warna Menggunakan Logarithmic Decreasing Inertia Weight Particle Swarm Optimization. [Artikel Dosen]

Winiarti, Sri and Prahara, Adhi and Murinto, Murinto and ISMI, DEWI PRAMUDI Pretrained convolutional neural network for classification of tanning leather image. [Artikel Dosen]

Conference or Workshop Item

Noviyanto, Fiftin and Murinto, Murinto and Setiadi, Tedy (2013) Performance Index Assesment Software Lecturer (IKD) As The Basic For Academic Peer Review (APR). In: ICGWBT 2013 @UAD, 23 Maret 2013, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.

Noviyanto, Fiftin and Murinto, Murinto and Tedy, Setiadi (2013) Performance Index Assessment Software Lecturer (IKD) as The Basis For Academic Peer Review (APR) (Case Studies at the Faculty of Industrial Technology UAD). In: The 2nd International Conference on Green World In Business And Technology (ICGWBT) Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.


Mahardika, Havidz Sastra and Murinto, Murinto (2019) Learning The Alphabet Letters Recognition Media For Kindergarten. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.

Teaching Resource

Prahara, Adhi and Murinto, Murinto and Azhari, Ahmad (2018) Modul Praktikum Grafika Komputer 2018. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)


Winiarti, Sri and Handayaningsih, Sri and Noviyanto, Fiftin and Aribowo, Eko and Azhari, Imam and Murinto, Murinto and Yuliansyah, Herman (2023) BKD Pelaksanaan Pengabdian Berdasarkan bidang keahlian a.n. Herman Yuliansyah. Kementrian Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi. (Unpublished)

Murinto, Murinto (2023) Bukti Pengajaran Gasal 2023/2024. Informatika UAD.

Zahrotun, Lisna and Murinto, Murinto (2022) Hak Cipta E-Librar For Primary School. Kementrian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia.

Murinto, Murinto Bukti Presensi Genap 2023/2024. FTI UAD.

Noviyanto, Fiftin and Murinto, Murinto and Setiadi, Tedy HASIL CEK PerformanceIndex Assesment Software Lecturer (IKD) As The Basis for Academic Peer Review (APR). UNSPECIFIED. (In Press)

Murinto, Murinto and Nur Rochmah Dyah Puji, Astuti and Murein, Mardhia Korespondensi Murinto dengan IJAIN.

Murinto, Murinto and Rosyda, Miftahurrahma Korespondensi Murinto dengan JUITA. JUITA UMP.

Murinto, Murinto and Winiarti, Sri and ISMI, DEWI PRAMUDI and Prahara, Adhi Peer Review Image enhancement using piecewise linear contrast stretch methods based on unsharp masking algorithms for leather image processing. ICSITech.

Murinto, Murinto and Winiarti, Sri Peer Review Analisis Tekstur Menggunakan Metode Filter Gabor Dan Transformasi Wavelet Pada Citra Penginderaan Jauh. Simposium Nasional Teknologi Terapan (SNTT) IV.

Murinto, Murinto SK Kaprodi 2023-2026. UAD.

Murinto, Murinto SK Mengajar dan Dosen Wali Genap 2024. FTI UAD.

This list was generated on Mon Jan 27 12:00:09 2025 WIB.