Items where Author is "Rahmah MZ, Rafika Dwi"
Rahmah MZ, Rafika Dwi and Mufrodi, Zahrul and Arqam, Muhammad Lailan (2021) ANALYSIS (HALAL AND HARAM) ALCOHOL ON BLACK STICKY RICE AND CASSAVA TAPAI USING CHEMICAL AND FIQH STUDIES. [Artikel Dosen]
Suyadi, Suyadi and Rahmah MZ, Rafika Dwi and Mufrodi, Zahrul (2021) Alcohol and Khamr on Fiqh Using Science Experiment Videos in Schools Affected by COVID-19. [Artikel Dosen]
Suyadi, Suyadi and Rahmah MZ, Rafika Dwi and Mufrodi, Zahrul (2021) Alcohol and Khamr on Fiqh Using Science Experiment Videos in Schools Affected by COVID-19. [Artikel Dosen]
EC00202033349 (2020) Buku Panduan Eksperimen Sains Fikih Alkohol dan Khamar Kelas VIII SMP Terdampak Covid. 000202710.
Rahmah MZ, Rafika Dwi and Suyadi, Suyadi and Mufrodi, Zahrul (2020) Development of Learning Materials on Fiqh of Alcohol and Khamr in Islamic and Science Perspective. [Artikel Dosen]
Suyadi, Suyadi and Sumaryati, Sumaryati and Hastuti, Dwi and Yusmaliana, Desfa and Rahmah MZ, Rafika Dwi (2019) Constitutional Piety: The Integration of Anti-Corruption Education into Islamic Religious Learning Based on Neuroscience. [Artikel Dosen]