Items where Author is "Suwarno, Suwarno"
Artikel Umum
Suwarno, Suwarno and Sadiatmi, Rini and Dewi, Aminah Asmara and Birje, Herman (2023) Photovoltaic Generator Approach Model for Characteristic Estimation I-V. Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro Komputer dan Informatika (JITEKI), 9 (3). pp. 585-595.
Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu and Arifin, Samsul and Suwarno, Suwarno (2023) On a truss-module. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2733 (1). 030001-1-030001-7. ISSN ISBN: 978-0-7354-1370-2
Suwarno, Suwarno and Murnaka, Nerru Pranuta and Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu (2023) Performance comparison of machine learning algorithms for predicting obesity level.
Suwarno, Suwarno and Supriyanto, Agus (2021) KONSELING KELOMPOK TEKNIK SELF REGULATIONS OF EMOTION UNTUK MENGURANGI AGRESIF VERBAL. K-Media, Yogyakarta. ISBN 978-623-316-227-2
Kasiyarno, Kasiyarno and Rohmatunnazilah, Routledge and Ali, Audah and Suwarno, Suwarno Fwd: Fw: Feminist Media Studies - Decision on Manuscript ID RFMS-2021-0042.R3. Routledge.
Suwarno, Suwarno and Sutikno, Tole Similarity paper report-Implementation of buck-boost converter as low voltage stabilizer at 15 V. Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES). (Unpublished)