Items where Division is "Master of Technology Informatica (Magister Teknologi Informatika)" and Year is 2014
Biddinika, Muhammad Kunta (2014) Evaluation of hydrothermal treatment in enhancing rice straw compost stability and maturity. [Artikel Dosen]
Biddinika, Muhammad Kunta (2014) Hasil Cek Similarity-Evaluation of hydrothermal treatment in enhancing rice straw compost stability and maturity. Bioresource Technology, 151. pp. 306-313. ISSN 0960-8524 (Unpublished)
Biddinika, Muhammad Kunta (2014) Hasil Cek Similarity-Reducing ammonia volatilization during composting of organic waste through addition of hydrothermally treated lignocellulose. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 96. pp. 58-62. ISSN 0964-8305 (Unpublished)
Biddinika, Muhammad Kunta (2014) Reducing ammonia volatilization during composting of organic waste through addition of hydrothermally treated lignocellulose. [Artikel Dosen]