Items where Subject is "ML Literature of music"
- Library of Congress Subject Areas (1)
- M Music and Books on Music (1)
- ML Literature of music (4)
- M Music and Books on Music (1)
HARDIANTO, EKA (2019) HIP HOP SLANG IN BOB MARLEY’S SONG LYRICS: IT’S FORM AND MEANING. Bachelor thesis, Sastra Inggris, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.
Mendrofa, Julia Oryza T (2024) Attitude analysis using appraisal theory on the Greatest Showman Soundtrack. S1 thesis, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.
Renatya, Safa Ratu Felissha (2024) Gender inequality representation as seen in Taylor Swift's song The Man. S1 thesis, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.
Sularso, M.Sn (2015) Menumbuhkan Kesadaran Budaya Melalui Tradisi Literasi: Upaya Peningkatan Kompetensi Pendidik Sekolah Dasar di Bidang Seni dan Budaya. Seminar Nasional "Membangun Imajinasi dan Kreativitas Anak melalui Literasi", 2. pp. 505-508. ISSN - ISBN 978-602-98647-4-8