Items where Author is "Muchlas, Muchlas"

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Number of items: 56.

Muchlas, Muchlas (2023) Transformasi Pendidikan Teknik dan Vokasi di Era Industry 5.0 Melalui Pengembangan Laboratorium Virtual. In: Pidato Pengukuhan Guru Besar UAD.

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (2023) Efektivitas Proses Pembelajaran di Kelas Teknologi Informasi bagi Pengingkatan Motivasi Belajar dan Karier Peserta Didik SMP. EC00202353453.

Muchlas, Muchlas and Budiastuti, Pramudita and Santosa, Budi (2023) HASIL CEK_The Use of Personal Learning Environment to Support an Online Collaborative Strategy in Vocational Education Pedagogy Course. iJIM (International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies), 17 (2). ISSN eISSN: 1865-7923

Putri, Sajidatun Nufus Rani and Muchlas, Muchlas and Ishafit, Ishafit (2022) Development of fluid virtual laboratory for online experiment. Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika, 10 (1). ISSN 2355 - 5785

Sundari, Siti and Muchlas, Muchlas and Sayuti, Muhammad (2022) HASIL CEK_Effectivenessof Information Technology(IT) Classroom Learningon Motivation andCareers Students of Junior High School. JOVES (Journal of Vocational Education Studies), 5 (1). pp. 93-102. ISSN 2614-7483

Budiastuti, Pramudita and Soenarto, Sunaryo and Muchlas, Muchlas and Ramndani, Hanafi Wahyu (2021) Peer Review_Analisis Tujuan Pembelajaran dengan Kompetensi Dasar pada Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Dasar Listrik dan Elektronika di Sekolah_Pramudita Budiastuti. Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Elektro Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta.

Budiastuti, Pramudita and Soenarto, Sunaryo and Muchlas, Muchlas and Ramndani, Hanafi Wahyu (2021) Analisis Tujuan Pembelajaran dengan Kompetensi Dasar pada Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Dasar Listrik dan Elektronika di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan. [Artikel Dosen] (In Press)

Triatmaja, Adhy Kurnia and Muchlas, Muchlas and Wardana, Yoga (2021) Artikel_Virtual Laboratorium Teknik Digital berbasis Mobile Virtual Reality. [Artikel Dosen]

Triatmaja, Adhy Kurnia and Muchlas, Muchlas and Wardana, Yoga (2021) HASIL CEK_Virtual laboratorium teknik digital berbasis mobile virtual reality. Jurnal Edukasi Elektro, 5 (1). ISSN ISSN 2548-8252 (media cetak) || ISSN 2548-8260 (media online)

Muchlas, Muchlas (2021) Hasil Cek_Development of Educational Game Media Based on Android for Supporting Blended Learning in Basic Electronics Lessons. JOVES (Journal of Vocational Education Studies), 4 (2). pp. 237-248. ISSN 2614-7483

Triatmaja, Adhy Kurnia and Muchlas, Muchlas and Wardana, Yoga (2021) VIRTUAL LABORATORIUM TEKNIK DIGITAL BERBASIS MOBILE VIRTUAL REALITY. [Artikel Dosen]

Muchlas, Muchlas and Budiastuti, Pramudita (2020) Peer Review_Development of Learning Devices of Basic Electronic Virtual Laboratory Based on PSPICE Software_Pramudita Budiastuti. Magister Pendidikan Vokasi Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.

Santosa, Budi and Tentama, Fatwa and Yudhana, Anton and Umar, Rusydi and Muchlas, Muchlas (2020) Alat Pengolahan Citra Untuk Mengidentifikasi Penggunaa Secara On-line dan Real Time. Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia, Jakarta.

Muchlas, Muchlas and Widodo, Nuryono Satya and Santosa, Budi and Budiastuti, Pramudita (2020) Buku Panduan Praktikum Sistem Berbasis Mikroprosesor. Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.

Indra, Saputra and Muchlas, Muchlas and Achsan, Bambang Noor (2020) HASIL CEK_Development of Learning Model of Youtube-Based Learning in Light Vehicle Electricity Maintenance Subject. JOVES (Journal of Vocational Education Studies), 3 (2). pp. 212-225. ISSN 2614-7483

Muchlas, Muchlas (2020) HASIL CEK_Enhancing e-learning effectivity through the discussion method combined with e-portfolio assignments for vocational education master students during a pandemic. Jurnal Pendidikan Vokal, 10 (3). ISSN P: 2088 - 2866, E: 2478 - 9401

Muchlas, Muchlas and Widodo, Nuryono Satya and Santosa, Budi and Budiastuti, Pramudita (2020) HKI_Sertifikat Buku Panduan Praktikum Sistem Berbasis Mikroprosesor. Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.

Muchlas, Muchlas and Widodo, Nuryono Satya and Santosa, Budi and Budiastuti, Pramudita (2020) Hak Cipta_Buku Panduan Praktikum Sistem Berbasis Mikroprosesor_Sertifikat_Peer Review. [Teaching Resource]

Muchlas, Muchlas and Widodo, Nuryono Satya and Santosa, Budi and Budiastuti, Pramudita (2020) Peer Review Buku Panduan Praktikum Sistem Berbasis Mikroprosesor. Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.

Sukma, Mega and Pramudya, Yudhiakto and Muchlas, Muchlas and Okimustava, Okimustava (2019) Night sky brightness measurement during the March 2018 Earth Hour in Yogyakarta. IOP Publishing Ltd..

Pribadi, Pandu and Muchlas, Muchlas and Pramudya, Yudhiakto and Okimustava, Okimustava (2019) Peer Review_Panduan Eksperimen Penentuan Awal Waktu Sholat Subuh dan Isya Berbasis Perbandingan Tingkat Kecerlangan Langit. K-Media.

Pramudya, Yudhiakto and Budi, K S and Muchlas, Muchlas and Okimustava, Okimustava (2019) Peer Review_Preliminary study on relation between temperature, humidity and Night Sky Brightness in Yogyakarta. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. ISSN 1742-6596

Pribadi, Pandu and Pramudya, Yudhiakto and Muchlas, Muchlas and Okimustava, Okimustava (2019) Peer Review_The IoT implementation on the night sky brightness measurement in Banjar using the sky quality meter. In: International Conference on Science and Applied Science (ICSAS) 2019.

Pramudya, Yudhiakto and K S, Budi and Okimustava, Okimustava and Muchlas, Muchlas (2019) Preliminary study on relation between temperature, humidity and Night Sky Brightness in Yogyakarta. IOP Publishing Ltd..

Raisal, Abu Yazid and Pramudya, Yudhiakto and Okimustava, Okimustava and Muchlas, Muchlas (2017) PEER REVIEW_The moon phases influence on the beginning of astronomical dawn determination in Yogyakarta. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND APPLIED SCIENCE: CONFERENCE SERIES.

Raisal, Abu Yazid and Pramudya, Yudhiakto and Okimustava, Okimustava and Muchlas, Muchlas (2017) The moon phases influence on the beginning of astronomical dawn determination in Yogyakarta. [Artikel Dosen]

Raisal, Abu Yazid and Pramudya, Yudhiakto and Okimustava, Okimustava and Muchlas, Muchlas (2017) The moon phases influence on the beginning of astronomical dawn determination in Yogyakarta. International Journal of Science and Applied Science: Conference Series, 2 (1). ISSN 2549-4627

Muchlas, Muchlas 130201. other.

Muchlas, Muchlas 130202. other.

Muchlas, Muchlas APC. OTHER.

Suhartini, Yulia and Muchlas, Muchlas and Kuat, Tri Bukti Hasil Cek Similarity-Kompetensi Kewirausahaan Kepala Sekolah dalam Mengembangkan Edupreneurship di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan. [Artikel Dosen]

Prahmana, Rully Charitas Indra and Hartanto, Dody and Kusumaningtyas, Dian Artha and Raden, Muhammad Ali and Muchlas, Muchlas Community radio-based blended learning model: A promising learning model in remote area during pandemic era. Heliyon, 7 (7). pp. 1-10. ISSN 24058440

Prahmana, Rully Charitas Indra and Hartanto, Dody and Kusumaningtyas, Dian Artha and Raden Muhammad, Ali and Muchlas, Muchlas Community radio-based blended learning model: A promising learning model in remote area during pandemic era. Heliyon, 7 (7). pp. 1-10. ISSN 24058440

Prahmana, Rully Charitas Indra and Hartanto, Dody and Kusumaningtyas, Dian Artha and Ali, Raden Muhammad and Muchlas, Muchlas Community radio-based blended learning model: A promising learning model in remote area during pandemic era. Heliyon. ISSN 2405-8440

Prahmana, Rully Charitas Indra and Hartanto, Dody and Kusumaningtyas, Dian Artha and Ali, Raden Muhammad and Muchlas, Muchlas Community radio-based blended learning model: A promising learning model in remote area during pandemic era. Helyon.

Muchlas, Muchlas HKIPANDUAN. OTHER.

Muchlas, Muchlas HKIUAD. UAD PRESS.

Sukma, Mega and Pramudya, Yudhiakto and Muchlas, Muchlas and Okimustava, Okimustava Night sky brightness measurement during the March 2018 Earth Hour in Yogyakarta. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. ISSN 1742-6596

Sukma, Mega and Pramudya, Yudhiakto and Muchlas, Muchlas and Okimustava, Okimustava Night sky brightness measurement during the March 2018 Earth Hour in Yogyakarta. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. ISSN 1742-6596

Raisal, Abu Yazid and Pramudya, Yudhiakto and Okimustava, Okimustava and Muchlas, Muchlas Pemanfaatan Metode Moving Average dalam Menentukan Awal Waktu Salat Subuh Menggunakan Sky Quality Meter (SQM). [Artikel Dosen]

Raisal, Abu Yazid and Pramudya, Yudhiakto and Okimustava, Okimustava and Muchlas, Muchlas Pemanfaatan Metode Moving Average dalam Menentukan Awal Waktu Salat Subuh Menggunakan Sky Quality Meter (SQM). JURNAL ASTRONOMI ISLAM DAN ILMU-ILMU BERKAITAN.

Raisal, Abu Yazid and Pramudya, Yudhiakto and Okimustava, Okimustava and Muchlas, Muchlas Pemanfaatan Metode Moving Average dalam Menentukan Awal Waktu Salat Subuh Menggunakan Sky Quality Meter (SQM). JURNAL ASTRONOMI ISLAM DAN ILMU-ILMU BERKAITAN.

Raisal, Abu Yazid and Pramudya, Yudhiakto and Okimustava, Okimustava and Muchlas, Muchlas Pemanfaatan Metode Moving Average dalam Menentukan Awal Waktu Salat Subuh Menggunakan Sky Quality Meter (SQM). Jurnal Astronomi Islam dan Ilmu-Ilmu Berkaitan.

Pramudya, Yudhiakto and Budi, K S and Okimustava, Okimustava and Muchlas, Muchlas Preliminary study on relation between temperature, humidity and Night Sky Brightness in Yogyakarta. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. ISSN 1742-6596

Muchlas, Muchlas SK Tim Kurikulum Sertifikasi Al-Islam dan Kemuhammadiyahan Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. Rektor Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.

Muchlas, Muchlas binder. UAD PRESS.

Muchlas, Muchlas bukti korespondensi m1. other.

Muchlas, Muchlas hibah muchlas 1. other.

Muchlas, Muchlas hibah muchlas 2. other.

Muchlas, Muchlas monografGB. UAD PRESS.

Raisal, Abu Yazid and Pramudya, Yudhiakto and Okimustava, Okimustava and Muchlas, Muchlas The moon phases influence on the beginning of astronomical dawn determination in Yogyakarta. International Journal of Science and Applied Science: Conference Series. ISSN 2549-4627

Muchlas, Muchlas motorsim panduan. UAD.

Muchlas, Muchlas BKD 1 muchlas. other.

Muchlas, Muchlas BKD 2 muchlas. other.

Muchlas, Muchlas BKD 3 muchlas. other.

Muchlas, Muchlas BKD 4 muchlas. other.

This list was generated on Mon Jan 27 11:46:25 2025 WIB.