Items where Author is "Pujiastuti, Nur Rochmah Dyah"
Artikel Dosen
Murinto, Murinto and Pujiastuti, Nur Rochmah Dyah and Mardhia, Murein Miksa (2019) Multilevel thresholding hyperspectral image segmentation based on independent component analysis and swarm optimization methods. [Artikel Dosen]
Murinto, Murinto and Pujiastuti, Nur Rochmah Dyah (2017) Feature reduction using minimum noise fraction and principal component analysis transforms for improving the classification of hyperspectral image. [Artikel Dosen]
EC00202053219, (2020) Luaran HKI sertifikat_EC00202053219.pdf. 000223038.
Teaching Resource
Pujiastuti, Nur Rochmah Dyah and Normawati, Dwi and Khusna, Arfiani Nur and Yuliansyah, Herman (2023) Petunjuk Praktikum Logika Informatika. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
Anwar, Nuril and Pujiastuti, Nur Rochmah Dyah and Sakirno, Muhammad Bayu Aji (2020) APLIKASI & BUKU PANDUAN PENGGUNAAN WEB MATA KULIAH BERKARYA UNTUK MAHASISWA, DOSEN & KOORDINATOR. [Teaching Resource] (In Press)
Pujiastuti, Nur Rochmah Dyah and Aribowo, Eko and Anwar, Nuril and Rahani, Faisal Fajri Petunjuk Praktikum Keamanan Komputer 2021 OBE. [Teaching Resource]
Pujiastuti, Nur Rochmah Dyah and Tarmuji, Ali and Prahara, Adhi Pemanfaatan Aplikasi Rapor K-13 (Kurikulum 2013) Berbasis Web di SD Muhammadiyah Sokonandi Yogyakarta. LPPM UAD. (Unpublished)