Items where Author is "Fatimah, Nur "

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Number of items: 117.

Syandi, Chetrine and Salsabila, Arinda and Triambada, Muhammad and Arsyndie, Zadha and Fatimah, Nur and Susilawati, Sonya and Lahiyah, Ilham and Wati, Annisya (2023) IV.A.2, 101, 2022/2023, Ponggok, Sidomulyo, Bambanglipuro, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. [Laporan KKN] (Submitted)

Umanahu, Laksmi and Wijayanto, Bayu and Nur Muslichah, Hesti and Siti Fatimah, Aisyah and Afina Zulfa, Nadia and Rizky Pratama, Fernanda and Rossa Aditya, Yunita and Akmal Rizkyan, Naufal and Fatimah, Nur (2021) KULIAH KERJA NYATA ALTERNATIF UNIVERSITAS AHMAD DAHLAN PERIODE 76 DIVISI I.D.2 TAHUN AKADEMIK 2021/2022. [Laporan KKN] (Unpublished)

Widyaningsih, Susana and Risdiana, Nurvita and Nurjanah, Siti and Fatimah, Nur and Rahmawati, Aulia and Riniati, Wa Ode and Wahyu, Halfa and Hartati, Sri and Syahfutra, Wandi and Syahputra, Bambang Panca and Wulan, Dian Retno and Muflihah, Ulfatul and Brahmantia, Bayu and Setyawati, Dewi and Mulyadi, Dodi and Mutmainah, Yulia and Juwitasari, Juwitasari and Aditya, David Sulistyawan and Fediyanto, Niko and Rahayu, Desi Ariyana and Zidnia, Rizqa and Ocktarani, Yesika Maya and Dewi, Sofia Rhosma and Qomar, Aulia Hanifah and Fidlan, Athia and Winata, Septian G and Yoni, Efri (2020) English for Nursing 1. PP Muhammadiyah, Yogyakarta.

Widyaningsih, Susana and Risdiana, Nurvita and Nurjanah, Siti and Fatimah, Nur and Rahmawati, Aulia and Riniati, Wa Ode and Wahyu, Halfa and Hartati, Sri and Syahfutra, Wandi and Syahputra, Bambang Panca and Wulan, Dian Retno and Muflihah, Ulfatul and Brahmantia, Bayu and Setyawati, Dewi and Mulyadi, Dodi and Mutmainah, Yulia and Juwitasari, Juwitasari and Aditya, David Sulistyawan and Fediyanto, Niko and Rahayu, Desi Ariyana and Zidnia, Rizqa and Ocktarani, Yesika Maya and Dewi, Sofia Rhosma and Qomar, Aulia Hanifah and Fidlan, Athia and Winata, Septian G and Yoni, Efri (2020) English for Nursing 1. PP Muhammadiyah, Yogyakarta.

Bhakti, Caraka Putra and Triwahyuningsih, Triwahyuningsih and Prasetiawan, Hardi and Wulandari, Yosi and Suwartini, Iis and Fajria, Astry and Fatimah, Nur and Fitriyani, Harina and Nurrohmah, Siti and Rohmadheny, Prima Suci (2019) Buku Pedoman : Program Pengenalan Lapangan Persekolahan 2. Pusat Pengembangan Profesi Kependidikan, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta. ISBN 978-602-17035-4-0

Handayani, Trikinasih and Hartanto, Dody and Bhakti, Caraka Putra and Triwahyuningsih, Triwahyuningsih and Prastiawan, Hardi and Wulandari, Yosi and Suwartini, Iis and Fajria, Astry and Fatimah, Nur and Fitriyani, Harina and Nurrohmah, Siti and Puspitasari, Etika Dyah and Fitri, Fajar and Sukma, Hanum Hanifa and Mardati, Asih and Rohmadheny, Prima Suci and Puspitasari, Intan and Sutarman, Sutarman and Ichsan, Yazida (2019) Program Pengenalan Lapangan Persekolahan 2. Pusat Pengembangan Profesi Kependidikan FKIP Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta. ISBN ISBN 978-602-17035-4-0

Fatimah, Nur (2014) Class Performance, a Step toward an Authentic Assessment in Teaching English to Young Learners. ADJES-Ahmad Dahlan Journal of English Studies, 1 (1-2). pp. 26-32. ISSN 2356-5012

Fatimah, Nur (2012) Teaching Competencies of Students Practice Teaching at Elementary Schools and Kindergartens. Journal of Education and Learning, 6 (3). pp. 155-160. ISSN 2089-9823

Fatimah, Nur (2012) Developing Literacy Skills through Learning Products in English for Young Learners. Proceedings on the Second TEYLIN National Conference.

Fatimah, Nur (2011) Managing Electronic Discussion Forums to Support Character Building. In: TEFLIN International Conference, 3-5 November 2011, IKIP PGRI Semarang, Semarang, Indonesia.

Fatimah, Nur (2010) A profile of Learning Strategies and Styles as Reflected in Electronic Discussion Forum. [Artikel Dosen]


Fatimah, Nur Berita acara Isnani. UAD.

Fatimah, Nur Berita acara Satrio Hari. UAD.

Fatimah, Nur Berita acara Yulia. UAD.

Fatimah, Nur Berita acara pendadaran Hassika. UAD.

Fatimah, Nur Berita acara pendadaran Luthfiah. UAD.

Fatimah, Nur Berita acara pendadaran Mira. UAD.

Fatimah, Nur Bukti Bimbingan skripsi mhs a n Fitri Farihatul. FKIP UAD. (Unpublished)

Fatimah, Nur C1 NURF. C1 NURF.

Fatimah, Nur C11 Review Developing literacy skills. -. (Unpublished)

Fatimah, Nur C12 Review A profile. -. (Unpublished)

Fatimah, Nur C2 NURF. C2 NURF.

Fatimah, Nur C2 Review Artikel Predicting. -. (Unpublished)

Fatimah, Nur C3 Review Learning Analytics. -. (Unpublished)

Fatimah, Nur C4 Review Teaching competency. -. (Unpublished)

Fatimah, Nur Challenges in implementing lesson study at higher education. -. (Unpublished)

Fatimah, Nur Class Performance, A Step toward An Authentic Assessment in Teaching English to Young Learners. -. (Unpublished)

Afriandi, Muhamad Argi and Fatimah, Nur Developing English materials for English for tourism. -. (Unpublished)

Fatimah, Nur Developing Literacy Skills through Learning Products in English for Young Learners. -. (Unpublished)

Fatimah, Nur HKI C20 NURF. HKI C20 NURF.

Fatimah, Nur HKI C21 NURF. HKI C21 NURF.

Fatimah, Nur Halaman pengesahan Satrio Hari. UAD.

Fatimah, Nur Halaman pengesahan skripsi Hassika. UAD.

Fatimah, Nur Hlm pengesahan skripsi Bilqis. FKIP UAD.

Rokhyati, Umi and Fatimah, Nur IECPPE Model for Academic Writing Material Development. -. (Unpublished)

Fatimah, Nur Kartu Anggota APSPBI. APSPBI.

Fatimah, Nur Kartu Anggota PELTIN. PELTIN.

Fatimah, Nur Kartu Anggota TEFLIN Nur Fatimah. -. (Unpublished)

Fatimah, Nur Kontrak penelitian 23. UAD.

Fatimah, Nur and Sarage, Japen and Budiwati, Tri Rina Kontrak pengabdian LPPM 2023. UAD.

Fatimah, Nur Laporan pelatihan basic conversation. FKIP UAD.

Sulisworo, Dwi and Rohmadheny, Prima Suci and Fatimah, Nur and Arif, Dikdik Baehaqi and Saifuddin, Much. Fuad Learning analytics to predict student achievement in online learning during Covid- 19 mitigation. -. (Unpublished)

Fatimah, Nur Lembar pengesahan Isnani. UAD.

Fatimah, Nur Lembar pengesahan Luthfiah. UAD.

Fatimah, Nur Lembar pengesahan Mira. UAD.

Fatimah, Nur Lembar pengesahan Yulia. UAD.

Fatimah, Nur and Susanti, Ani Modul Basic Conversation. UAD.

Sarage, Japen and Budiwati, Tri Rina and Fatimah, Nur Pelatihan pemandu wisata edukatif dan religi berbasis tauhid sebagai optimalisasi peran warga di Karangkajen, Brontokusuman, Mergangsan, Yogyakarta. UAD.

Fatimah, Nur Poster body parts. [Teaching Resource]

Sulisworo, Dwi and Fatimah, Nur and Susilo, Mohamad Joko Predicting students' achievement during COVID-19 mitigation through self-regulated learning profiles: Indonesian context. -. (Unpublished)

Fatimah, Nur Presensi Bahasa Indonesia Genap 2223. UAD.

Fatimah, Nur Presensi Bhs Indonesia genap 24. UAD.

Fatimah, Nur Presensi Essay Genap 2223. UAD.

Fatimah, Nur Presensi Essay Writing NF 24. UAD.

Fatimah, Nur Presensi Extensive Reading 2223. UAD.

Fatimah, Nur Presensi Kuliah Professional English 24. UAD.

Fatimah, Nur Presensi TEYLPD 2024. UAD.

Fatimah, Nur Presensi kuliah ER. UAD.

Sulisworo, Dwi and Fatimah, Nur and Sunaryati, Septi Shinta and Sanidi, Sanidi A Quick Study on SRL Profiles of Online Learning Participants during the Anticipation of the Spread of COVID-19 in Indonesia. -. (Unpublished)

Fatimah, Nur Rekap presensi Academic Speaking Genap 2223. UAD.

Fatimah, Nur Rekap presensi TEYL Genap 2223. UAD.

Fatimah, Nur SK Mengajar genap 2223. UAD.

Fatimah, Nur SK Mengajar genap 2324 PBI. UAD.

Fatimah, Nur SK Pembimbing Akademik Nur Fatimah 202324. UAD.

Fatimah, Nur SK Pembimbing Satrio Hari. UAD.

Fatimah, Nur SK Pembimbing Skripsi mhs a n Fitri Farihatul. UAD.

Fatimah, Nur SK Pembimbing Yulia. UAD.

Fatimah, Nur SK Pendadaran Luthfia. UAD.

Fatimah, Nur SK Pendadaran Yulia. UAD.

Fatimah, Nur SK Penguji Hassika. UAD.

Fatimah, Nur SK Penguji Skripsi Bilqis. FKIP UAD.

Fatimah, Nur SK penguji Isnani. UAD.

Fatimah, Nur SK penguji pendadaran Mira. UAD.

Fatimah, Nur SK ujian Satrio Hari. UAD.

Fatimah, Nur ST ke RekaTalks. UAD.

Fatimah, Nur Sertifikat Diklatnas Gemini AI. Studio Bahan Ajar.

Fatimah, Nur Sertifikat RekaTalks. PMO Kedai Reka.

Fatimah, Nur Sertifikat presenter PELTIN conference. PELTIN.

Fatimah, Nur Students’ Needs for Academic Writing at the English Education Department. -. (Unpublished)

Fatimah, Nur Surat tugas Nur Fatimah ke Diklatnas Gemini Ai. UAD.

Fatimah, Nur Surat tugas Nur Fatimah ke Peltin conference. FKIP UAD. (Unpublished)

Fatimah, Nur TEFLIN Member Card Nur Fatimah. TEFLIN.

Fatimah, Nur Teaching Competencies of Students Practice Teaching at Elementary Schools and Kindergartens. -. (Unpublished)

Puteri, Annisa and Putri, Frischa and Fatimah, Nur Willingness and Unwillingness. -.

Fatimah, Nur c10 nurf. c10 nurf.

Fatimah, Nur c11 nurf. c11 nurf.

Fatimah, Nur c12 nurf. c12 nurf.

Fatimah, Nur c13 nurf. c13 nurf.

Fatimah, Nur c14 nurf. c14 nurf.

Fatimah, Nur c15 nurf. c15 nurf.

Fatimah, Nur c16 nurf. c16 nurf.

Fatimah, Nur c17 nurf. c17 nurf.

Fatimah, Nur c18 nurf. c18 nurf.

Fatimah, Nur c19 nurf. c19 nurf.

Fatimah, Nur c20 nurf. c20 nurf.

Fatimah, Nur c21 nurf. c21 nurf.

Fatimah, Nur c3 nurf. c3 nurf.

Fatimah, Nur c4 nurf. c4 nurf.

Fatimah, Nur c5 nurf. c5 nurf.

Fatimah, Nur c6 nurf. c6 nurf.

Fatimah, Nur c7 nurf. c7 nurf.

Fatimah, Nur c8 nurf. c8 nurf.

Fatimah, Nur c9 nurf. c9 nurf.

Fatimah, Nur A profile of Learning Strategies and Styles as Reflected in Electronic Discussion Forum. -. (Unpublished)

Fatimah, Nur Laporan akhir pengabdian guide. UAD. (Unpublished)

Fatimah, Nur Pendidikan Kolaboratif: Sinergi Perguruan Tinggi dan Sekolah dalam Pengembangan Materi Ajar Bahasa Inggris. In: Transformasi Pendidikan Abad XXI. K-Media.

Fatimah, Nur Rekap presensi Methods in TEYL Gasal 2324. FKIP UAD. (Unpublished)

Fatimah, Nur Rekap presensi vocab A 2324. FKIP UAD. (Unpublished)

Fatimah, Nur Rekap presensi vocab B 23. FKIP UAD. (Unpublished)

Fatimah, Nur Rekap storytelling gasal 2324. FKIP UAD. (Unpublished)

Fatimah, Nur SK Kepangkatan. Kemenristekdikti.

Fatimah, Nur SK Mengajar di PBI Gasal 2324. FKIP UAD.

Fatimah, Nur Sertifikat Nur Fatimah di TEFLIN 2023. TEFLIN.

Fatimah, Nur Sertifikat TICoSS. Universitas Tadulako.

Fatimah, Nur Surat Tugas ke TEFLIN 2023. UAD.

Fatimah, Nur Surat tugas Nur Fatimah ke TICoSS 2023. UAD.

This list was generated on Mon Nov 25 05:10:00 2024 WIB.