Items where Author is "Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu"

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Number of items: 57.

Artikel Umum

Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu and Arifin, Samsul and Suwarno, Suwarno (2023) On a truss-module. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2733 (1). 030001-1-030001-7. ISSN ISBN: 978-0-7354-1370-2

Suwarno, Suwarno and Murnaka, Nerru Pranuta and Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu (2023) Performance comparison of machine learning algorithms for predicting obesity level.

Marubayashi, Hidetoshi and Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu and Wijayanti, Indah Emilia (2023) Rings of Morita contexts which are Dubrovin valuation rings. Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 22 (5). 2350229-1-8. ISSN 0219-4988

Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu and Wijayanti, Indah Emilia (2022) On the Graded *- rings. The Aligarh Bulletin of Mathematics, 41 (1). pp. 53-61. ISSN 0304-9787

Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu and Marubayashi, Hidetoshi and Wijayanti, Indah Emilia (2022) On the restricted graded Jacobson radical of rings of Morita context. Turkish Journal of Mathematics, 46 (5). pp. 1985-1993. ISSN 1300-0098

Mahmudah, Umi and Surono, Sugiyarto and Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu and Lola, Muhamad Safiih and Haryati, Annisa (2022) COX PROPORTIONAL HAZARD REGRESSION SURVIVAL ANALYSIS FOR TYPE 2 DIABETES MELITUS. AREKENG: JURNAL ILMU MATEMATIKA DAN TERAPAN, 16 (1). pp. 253-262. ISSN 2615-3017

Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu (2022) Brown-McCoy Radical in Restricted Graded Version. JTAM (Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Matematika), 6 (1). pp. 185-193. ISSN 2597-7512

Arifin, Samsul and Muktyas, Indra Bayu and Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu and Abdillah, Abdul Azis (2021) Unimodular matrix and bernoulli map on text encryption algorithm using python. Al-Jabar : Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 12 (2). pp. 447-455. ISSN 2540-7562

Nana, Nana and Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu (2021) An implementation of Hill cipher and 3x3x3 rubik's cube to enhance communication security. Bulletin of Applied Mathematics and Mathematics Education, 1 (2). pp. 75-92. ISSN 2776-1029

Yuwaningsih, Dian Ariesta and Rusmining, Rusmining and Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu (2021) BEBERAPA SIFAT (R,S)-SUBMODUL PRIMA-α GABUNGAN. JOURNAL OF FUNDAMENTAL MATHEMATICS AND APPLICATIONS (JFMA), 4 (2). pp. 167-179. ISSN 2621-6019

Wijayanti, Indah Emilia and Ardiyansyah, Muhammad and Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu (2021) On a Class of. Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, 73. pp. 384-390. ISSN 0041-5995

Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu and Wachidatul, Ummu (2021) IMPLEMENTASI KRIPTOGRAFI KURVA ELIPTIK ELGAMAL DI LAPANGAN GALOIS PRIMA PADA PROSES ENKRIPSI DAN DEKRIPSI BERBANTUAN SOFTWARE PYTHON. Journal of Fundamental Mathematics and Applications (JFMA), 4 (1). pp. 45-60. ISSN 2621-6019

Nurnugroho, Burhanudin Arif and Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu (2021) STRONGLY SUMMABLE VECTOR-VALUED SEQUENCE SPACES DEFINED BY 2-MODULAR. Cauchy (Jurnal Matematika Murni dan Aplikasi), 6 (4). ISSN 2086-0382

Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu and Melati, Catur Yustika (2020) Konstruksi Brace Dua Sisi Dengan Menggunakan Ring Jacobson. Limits: Journal of Mathematics and Its Applications, 17 (2). pp. 123-137. ISSN 2579-8936

Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu and Yuwaningsih, Dian Ariesta and Nurnugroho, Burhanudin Arif (2020) Algebraic Structure of Supernilpotent Radical Class Constructed from a Topology Thychonoff Space. Al-Jabar : Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 11 (2). pp. 331-338. ISSN 2086-5872

Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu and Wijayanti, Indah Emilia and France-Jackson, Halina and Repka, Joe (2020) Weakly Special Classes of Modules. Mathematics and Statistics, 8 (2A). pp. 23-27. ISSN 2332-2071

Hanifah, Hanifah and Wijayanti, Dian Eka and Thobirin, Aris and Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu Cek Similarity Menentukan Rute Kendaran Pengangkut Sampah Kota Yogyakarta dengan Algoritma Cheapest Insertion Heuristic Modifikasi Route Construction. Fourier.

Mahmudah, Umi and Surono, Sugiyarto and Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu and Lola, Muhamad Safiih and Haryati, Annisa Eka Korespondensi BOOTSTRAPPING COX REGRESSION SURVIVAL ANALYSIS ON TYPE 2 DIABETES MELLITUS. BAREKENG.

Mahmudah, Umi and Surono, Sugiyarto and Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu and E. Haryati, Annisa Korespondensi FORECASTING EDUCATED UNEMPLOYED PEOPLE IN INDONESIA USING THE BOOTSTRAP TECHNIQUE. Journal of Mahani Mathematical Research. ISSN 2251-7952, e ISSN: 2645-4505

Ibrahim, Muhammad Amien and Sagala, Noviyanti Tri Maretta and Arifin, Samsul and Nariswari, Rinda and Murnaka, Nerru Pranuta and Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu Separating Hate Speech from Abusive Language on Indonesian Twitter. 2022 International Conference on Data Science and Its Applications (ICoDSA), 2022. pp. 187-191. ISSN 978-166548665-1

Mahmudah, Umi and Sugiyarto, Sugiyarto and Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu and Haryati, Annisa Eka Similarity Forscasting Educated Unemployed People In Indonesia Using The Bootstrap Technique. Journal of Mahani Mathematical Research. ISSN 2251-7952, e ISSN: 2645-4505

Artikel Dosen

Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu (2020) Sifat Irisan Radikal Jacobson. [Artikel Dosen]

Yuwaningsih, Dian Ariesta and Wijayanti, Indah Emilia and Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu (2019) On (R,S)-Module Homomorphisms. [Artikel Dosen]

Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu and Widayati, M.Sc, Dra and Yuwaningsih, Dian Ariesta (2019) On the existing of fully invariant submodule. [Artikel Dosen]

Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu and Wijayanti, Indah Emilia and France-Jackson, Halina (2017) *p-MODULES AND A SPECIAL CLASS OF MODULES DETERMINED BY THE ESSENTIAL CLOSURE OF THE CLASS OF ALL *-RINGS. [Artikel Dosen]


Nurnugroho, Burhanudin Arif and Khasanah, Uswatun and Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu and Ardiyansyah, Muhammad (2024) Pemodelan Matematika. UAD Press, Yogyakarta. ISBN 978-623-8449-38-5

Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu and Isnaini, Uha (2023) Introduction to number theory with mathematical problem solving approach. UAD Press. ISBN 978-623-8449-06-4

Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu and Isnaini, Uha and Nurnugroho, Burhanudin Arif and Prahmana, Rully Charitas Indra (2020) Elementary Number Theory. UAD Press. ISBN 978-602-0737-75-1


Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu Berkas BKD Bidang Pendidikan Genal 2023-2024. Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.

Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu Invited Speaker Mini Symposium Maret 2024. Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.

Mahmudah, Umi and Surono, Sugiyarto and Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu and Lola, Muhamad Safiih and Haryati, Annisa Eka Korespondensi BOOTSTRAPPING COX REGRESSION SURVIVAL ANALYSIS ON TYPE 2 DIABETES MELLITUS. UNSPECIFIED.

Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu Rekap Presensi Mahasiswa dan Dosen TA 2022/2023 Genap (Matematika Diskret). FKIP Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.

Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu Rekap Presensi Mahasiswa dan Dosen TA 2022/2023 Genap (Teori Bilangan). FKIP Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.

Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu Rekap Presensi TA 2022/2023 Genap (Struktur Aljabar). FKIP Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.

Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu Revisi SK Mengajar S1 Pendidikan Matematika TA 2022/2023 Genap. FKIP Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.

Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu SK Dosen Wali Genap 2022/2023. FKIP Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.

Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu SK Mengajar Dosen S1 Pendidikan Matematika 2024/2025-Gasal. FKIP UAD.

Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu SK Mengajar TA 2022/2023 Genap Prodi S1 Pendidikan Matematika. FKIP Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.

Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu SK dan BA Chamada Fikri. FKIP Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.

Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu SK dan BA Diniar. FKIP Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.

Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu SK dan BA Firmawati. FKIP Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.

Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu SK dan BA Nanda Ayu R. FKIP Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.

Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu SK dan BA Pembimbingan Aldino R S. FKIP Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.

Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu SK dan BA Pembimbingan Indira Vista P. FKIP Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.

Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu SK dan BA Poniyati. FKIP Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.

Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu SK dan BA Sylvie. Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.

Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu SK dan BA Trisnawati. Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.

Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu SK dan BA Ummu Habibah. FKIP Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.

Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu Surat Keterangan Selesai Mengajar PPG TA 2022-2023 Genap. FKIP Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.

Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu Surat Tugas Kepanitiaan On MIPA 2023. Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.

Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu Tambahan Bidang Pendidikan dan Pengajaran 2023/2024. Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.

Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu BERKAS SURAT TUGAS DAN SETNEG SAME 2023. Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.

Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu BKD 2023/2024 Gasal Bidang Penunjang. Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.

Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu BKD 2023/2024 Gasal Orasi Ilmiah - Pengajaran PPG. Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.

Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu BKD 2023/2024-Gasal Bidang Pengabdian. Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.

Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu BKD 2023/2024-Gasal-Pelaksanaan Perkuliahan. Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.

Prasetyo, Puguh Wahyu Bukti BKD 2023/2024 Gasal Bidang Penelitian. Sinta dan UIN Raden Intan.

This list was generated on Wed Feb 5 00:30:07 2025 WIB.