Items where Division is "Program of Professional Pharmacist" and Year is 2020

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Number of items: 34.

Candradewi, Susan Fitria and Ginanjar, Zukhruf and Adnan, Adnan (2020) Validasi Kuesioner Pengetahuan Anemia dan Suplemen Zat Besi Pada Ibu Hamil. [Artikel Dosen]

Damarwati, Vella Lailli and Bachri, Moch. Saiful and Widyaningsih, Wahyu (2020) Hasil cek similarity" The gastroprotective effects of arrowroot tuber starch (Maranta arundinacea L.) on ethanol-induced gastric damages in rats". Pharmaciana, 10 (1). ISSN e-ISSN 2477-0256

Frengki, Frengki and Putra, Deddi Prima and Wahyuni, Fatma Sri and Khambri, Daan and Vanda, Henni and Sofia, Vivi (2020) Hasil review " Potential antiviral of catechins and their derivatives to inhibit sars-COV-2 receptors of M pro protein and spike glycoprotein in COVID-19 through the in silico approach". Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Syiah Kuala.

Frengki, Frengki and Sofia, Vivi and Putra, Deddi Prima and Wahyuni, Fatma Sri and Khambri, Daan and Vanda, Henni (2020) Hasil review" Prediction of diacerein inhibition activity against interleukin-1 receptors through docking method and tracing of pharmacokinetic profiles and their toxicity". Univesitas Ahmad Dahlan, Pharmaciana.

Guntarti, Any and Ahda, Mustofa and Nabila, Hanun and Susanti, Hari (2020) Similarity Check The Storage Effect against Vitamin C Content in crystal guava (Psidium guajava L.) Juice. [Artikel Dosen]

H. Mawardi, Rizky and Sulistyani, Nanik and Nurkhasanah, Nurkhasanah and Desyratnaputri, Ricke (2020) Similarity Check Antibacterial Activity and TLC-Bioautgraphy Analysis of the Active Fractions of Muntingia calabura L. Leaves Against Staphylococcus aureus. Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Sanata Dharma, Indonesia.


Kusumaningtyas, Febrianika Ayu and Wahyuningsih, Iis and Sugihartini, Nining (2020) Hasil similarity "Formulasi Ekstrak Etanol Daging Pepaya ( Carica papaya LINN) Dalam Basis Lotion, Uji Sifat Fisik dan Nilai SPFny". Akademi Farmasi ISFI Banjarmasin.

Mahfudh, Nurkhasanah and Sulistyani, Nanik and Adhila, Ghina (2020) Peer Review Zingiber cassumunar roxb. Extract increase the Reactive Oxidant Level and Interleukins Expression in Vitro. Public Knowledge Project under the GNU General Public License.

Mahfudh, Nurkhasanah and Sulistyani, Nanik and Adhila, Ghina (2020) Similarity Check Zingiber cassumunar roxb. Extract increase the Reactive Oxidant Level and Interleukins Expression in Vitro. Public Knowledge Project under the GNU General Public License.

Mahfudh, Nurkhasanah and Sulistyani, Nanik and Sabillah, Dinda Anindya (2020) Peer Review The Effect of Zingiber cassumunar Roxb rhizome extract on in Vitro Phagocytic Activity and Lymphocyte Proliferation. Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.

Mahfudh, Nurkhasanah and Sulistyani, Nanik and Sabillah, Dinda Anindya (2020) Similarity Check The Effect of Zingiber cassumunar Roxb rhizome extract on in Vitro Phagocytic Activity and Lymphocyte Proliferation. [Artikel Dosen]

Mawardi, Rizky H. and Sulistyani, Nanik and Mahfudh, Nurkhasanah and Desyratnaputri, Ricke (2020) Peer Review Antibacterial Activity and TLC-Bioautgraphy Analysis of the Active Fractions of Muntingia calabura L. Leaves Against Staphylococcus aureus. Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Mawardi, Rizky H. and Sulistyani, Nanik and Nurkhasanah, Nurkhasanah and Desyratnaputri, Ricke (2020) Korespondensi Antibacterial Activity and TLC-Bioautgraphy Analysis of the Active Fractions of Muntingia calabura L. Leaves Against Staphylococcus aureus. Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Muhammad, Muhlis and Prameswari, alissa J (2020) Hasil review"Kepatuhan Penggunaan Obat pada Pasien Hipertensi di Instalansi Rawat Jalan Salah Satu RSUD di Wilayah Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.". Akademi Farmasi ISFI Banjarmasin.

Pramono, Suwijiyo and Paramidhita, Risqika Y.T and Marini, Marini and Bachri, Moch. Saiful (2020) Hasil cek similarity" Comparative Effect of Yellow Root (Arcangelisia Flava (L) Merr) Water and Brackish Water Decoction on Biochemical Profiles of Renal Function and Histopathological Profiles of Renal and Uterus in Wistar Female Rats". Majalah Obat Tradisional, 25 (2). ISSN 2406-9086 (Submitted)

Ramadhan, Muhammad Fauzi and Mahfudh, Nurkhasanah and Sulistyani, Nanik (2020) Peer Review Isolation dan Identification of Active Coumpound from Bengle Rhizome (Zingiber Cassumunar Roxb) as a Stimulant in Phagocytosis by Macrophages. Public Knowledge Project under the GNU General Public License.

Sari, Novita and Nurkhasanah, Nurkhasanah and Sulistyani, Nanik (2020) The Antioxidant Effect of Bangle (Zingiber cassumunar) Rhizome Extract on Superoxide Dismutase (sod) Activity in Hyperlipidemic Rats. [Artikel Dosen]

Sari, Novita and Nurkhasanah, Nurkhasanah and Sulistyani, Nanik (2020) Peer Review The Antioxidant Effect of Bangle (Zingiber cassumunar) Rhizome Extract on Superoxide Dismutase (sod) Activity in Hyperlipidemic Rats. World Research Journal Indore, India.

Sari, Novita and Nurkhasanah, Nurkhasanah and Sulistyani, Nanik (2020) Similarity Check The Antioxidant Effect of Bangle (Zingiber cassumunar) Rhizome Extract on Superoxide Dismutase (sod) Activity in Hyperlipidemic Rats. World Research Journal Indore, India.

Sofia, Vivi (2020) Hasil review " The relationship between NFκβ-p65 and PGE2 gene expression in osteoarthritis synoviocyte cells after mesenchymal stem cell Wharton Jelly Treatment". Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Pharmaciana.

Sofia, Vivi (2020) Hasil review" The relationship between NFκβ-p65 and PGE2 gene expression in osteoarthritis synoviocyte cells after mesenchymal stem cell Wharton Jelly Treatment". Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.

Sofia, Vivi and Bachri, Moch. Saiful and Endrinaldi, Endrinaldi (2020) Hasil cek similarity" The Effect of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Wharton’s Jelly on Nuclear Factor Kappa Beta and Interleukin-10 Levels in Osteoarthritis Rat Model". [Artikel Dosen]

Sofia, Vivi and Bachri, Moch. Saiful and Endrinaldi, Endrinaldi (2020) Hasil review "The Effect of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Wharton’s Jelly on Nuclear Factor Kappa Beta and Interleukin-10 Levels in Osteoarthritis Rat Model". Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences.

Sofia, Vivi and Bachri, Moch. Saiful and Endrinaldi, Endrinaldi (2020) Hasil review" The Effect of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Wharton’s Jelly on Nuclear Factor Kappa Beta and Interleukin-10 Levels in Osteoarthritis Rat Model". Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences.

Sulistyani, Nanik and Misba, Mika Triza and Mahfudh, Nurkhasanah (2020) Peer Review Active Antimicrobial Substances of Cherry Leaf Extracts (Muntingia calabura L.) against Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) based on GC-MS analysis. Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.

Sulistyani, Nanik and Nurkhasanah, Nurkhasanah (2020) Korespondensi Screening of Anticancer, Hepatoprotective and Nephroprotective Effects of Ethanol Extract of Elephantopus scaber L. [Artikel Dosen]

Sulistyani, Nanik and Nurkhasanah, Nurkhasanah (2020) Peer Review Screening of Anticancer, Hepatoprotective and Nephroprotective Effects of Ethanol Extract of Elephantopus scaber L. Faculty of Pharmacy, University Karachi.

Sulistyani, Nanik and Nurkhasanah, Nurkhasanah (2020) Peer Review Screening of Anticancer, Hepatoprotective and Nephroprotective Effects of Ethanol Extract of Elephantopus scaber L. Faculty of Pharmacy, University Karachi.

Wahyuningsih, Iis and Ambarwati, Kurnia and Hapsari, Erninda Ayu and Fauziyyah, Afifah and Ikhsanudin, Azis and Vanda Pertiwi, Deasy and Widyaningsih, Wahyu (2020) Hasil similarity " Protection Effect of Self-Nanoemulsifying Drug Delivery System (SNEDDS) Piroxicam as Ulcerogenic Agent towards Malondialdehid Level and Protein Expression of Caspase-3, COX-1, COX-2 at Rat Gastric". Universitas Gadjah Mada.

Wardania, Wahyu Tusi and Muhammad, Muhlis (2020) Hasil review "Pengetahuan dan Pola Swamedikasi Penggunaan Obat Tradisional dan Cara Pengobatan Tradisional Sebagai Terapi Komplementer di Wilayah Kerja Yandu Wredasari 07, Warungboto, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta". Faculty of Health Sciences of Muhammadiyah University of Mataram.


muhlis, muhammad and Yanuartati, Triatmi (2020) Hasil cek similarity " Evaluasi Kelengkapan Penandaan Dan Kesesuaian Nomor Notifikasi Kosmetika Yang Diperdagangkan Di Salah Satu Swalayan Di Kota Yogyakarta ". Akademi Farmasi Indonesia Yogyakarta.

umar, lolita (2020) Parenteral Fluid Guidelines. Parenteral Fluid Guidelines.

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